Trezor® Hardware* Wallet® | Getting Started with Trezor

Versatility and Compatibility

Another standout feature of Trezor® Wallet® is its compatibility with a wide range of cryptocurrencies and platforms. The device supports over 1,800 digital assets, including major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, as well as numerous ERC-20 tokens. This extensive compatibility ensures that users can manage a diverse portfolio within a single, secure device.

Furthermore, Trezor® Wallet® integrates with various third-party services and applications. Whether users are looking to trade on decentralized exchanges, interact with dApps, or manage their assets through multi-signature wallets, Trezor® provides the flexibility to do so securely.

Commitment to Open-Source

Transparency and trust are crucial in the realm of digital security. Trezor® Wallet® stands out by embracing an open-source philosophy. Both the hardware and software components of Trezor® are open-source, allowing the community to scrutinize and verify the code. This commitment to openness fosters trust among users and enables continuous improvement through community contributions.

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